CD/TG First Thursday Monthly Gathering for adults @ 6:30 pm at the Napalese Lounge
Over the past 6 years, this Bay Area Council on Gender Diversity provides a monthly safe, supportive opportunity for trans and gender diverse adults and allies to gather for social support time. On average, 25-30 gather. To date, over 400 trans persons have associated with the gathering.
The Napalese Lounge in Green Bay provides a separate meeting space with an optional private entrance. After 8:00 pm, many stay for additional socializing and conversation.
In addition to a safe place for friendships and socializing, this group organizes other opportunities for trans adults, for spouses, and has provided speakers for interested area groups and other resource information of interest regarding trans persons, their families and allies.
For more information, please email Martha at:
Click here to map the Napalese Lounge on Green Bay's East side.
